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rice cake Soup dumpling tree gift sets
- Pork rice cake Soup dumpling
- main ingredients:pork、Cabbage、Onion
- Allergy:Wheat、pork、Soy、Sesame
- inner capacity:About 28g
- freshness date:Frozen 3 months
- Shrimp leek rice cake Soup dumpling
- main ingredients:Shrimp、Leek、pork、Cabbage
- Allergy:Wheat、Shrimp、pork、Soy、Sesame
- inner capacity:About 28g
- freshness date:Frozen 3 months
- Chicken sod roe rice cake Soup dumpling
- main ingredients:chicken、cod roe、Cabbage、Onion
- Allergy:Wheat、chicken、Soy、Sesame
- inner capacity:About 28g
- freshness date:Frozen 3 months
떡소롱포 3종 선물세트!
- 돼지고기 떡소롱포
- 주원료:돼지고기、양배추、양파
- 알레르기원:밀、돼지고기、땅콩、참깨
- 내용량:약 28g
- 유통기한:냉동 3개월
- 새우 부추 떡소롱포
- 주원료:새우、부추、 돼지고기、양배추
- 알레르기원:밀、새우、돼지고기、땅콩、참깨
- 내용량:약 28g
- 유통기한:냉동 3개월
- 닭고기&명란젓 떡소롱포
- 주원료:닭고기、명란젓、양배추、양파
- 알레르기원:밀、닭고기、땅콩、참깨
- 내용량:약 28g
- 유통기한:냉동 3개월
餠小笼包 3米饭礼盒
- 餠小笼包猪肉
- 主原料:猪肉、卷心菜、葱
- 过敏:小麦、猪肉、黄豆、芝麻
- 内容:大约 28 克
- 到期日:冷冻 3 个月
- 餠小笼包虾韭菜
- 主原料: 虾、韭、猪肉、卷心菜
- 过敏:小麦、虾、猪肉、黄豆、芝麻
- 内容:大约 28 克
- 到期日:冷冻 3 个月
- 餠小笼包鸡肉明太
- 主原料:鸡肉、明太子、卷心菜、葱
- 过敏:小麦、鸡肉 黄豆、芝麻
- 内容:大约 28 克
- 到期日:冷冻 3 个月